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Supermike | 10:17 Fri 25th Feb 2011 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
Does anyone else think Alice, the pretty 24 year old blonde part time model will win? Going by Greg and John's previous choices she must stand a good chance!


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''Going by Greg and John's previous choices she must stand a good chance!''

Why? The winner of the last series was bit of a bush pig...
Think you are getting confused with Celebrity Masterchef where young, pretty females seem to have an advantage (Liz McLarnon, Lisa Faulkner).
In the "ordinary" show there has only ever been one female winner under the new format, Thomasina (Tommy) Miers in 2005
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You are both quite right it's Celebrity Masterchef where they go for the pretty girls but that shows their weakness and it may spill over into Masterchef. We will see.

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