neighbours in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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magicdice | 08:59 Fri 18th Mar 2005 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers

who set lassiters alight? MUST be paul robinson, by the way he's acting all suspicious & trying to work out who other suspects may be. my friend's convinced that this is just a red-herring storyline, but c'mon it's neighbours! we don't DO complexity. who do you think it was?

(and yes, i know neighbours is crap but it's on about 15 mins after i get home from school which is just enough time to get changed & make coffee, and besides, it's far more interesting than eastenders)

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I thought we actually saw Gus pouring the petrol style liquid whatever it was in the cellar of the pub...

I love Neighbours, even though it is naff, it is very harmless and entertaining.  I have given up on Eastenders as I really don't care about the characters at the moment.  I live 5 minutes away from where I work so I get home in time to see it again now!  Unfortunately I have been working a bit later recently so I have missed the return of Paul Robinson - what happened?  Also, what happened with Karl + Izzy?

Sad, aren't I?

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that's what i thought too, but then they said he was murdered, and what with paul turning up in the crowd shortly after & looking all suspicious & evil i drew my conclusions

karl & izzy are back together, yay! someone's gotta keep that evil woman under control & jack scully's not exactly man enough.

I only watch Neighbours intermittently and sporadically, but I have watched most of the last 2 weeks or so.  I am not familiar with it enough to know exactly who everybody is or how they are related to each other.  Who exactly was Gus?  And what was nasty about him?
PS yes it was probably Paul who did the fire.
But who killed Gus? They said yesterday that he died of a blow to the head...And what exactly did kill Charlie? It wasn't Steph (she was stupid for doing that with the pillow anyway!) and apparently wasn't natural causes either???!!!
Oh yeah - Bernado, Gus is an old mate of Max's (from his oil rigging days) and dated Izzy for a while (he was actually the father of the baby she lost not Karl) - he basically is a bit crazy and wanted to be Max and take over his life. He sort of stalked them for a bit til the cops caught up with him and i presume he was sent off to the funny farm which he clearly then escaped from to wreak all this havoc over sleepy erinsborough!

Paul Robinson is back in Neighbours!!!!!!!!! My god, my life really has gone full circle!!!!! It's like one long goundhog decade.

just don't give him a guitar .........

boyd hoyland (izzys nephew) killed gus and set everything on fire.

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