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Scruff? Scruff? Scruff? Oh Scruff?

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ladybirder | 11:34 Sun 15th Mar 2015 | Radio
127 Answers
Has anyone seen poor Scruff?


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Well said, Ladybird well said! Scruff will survive I feel it in my water.
16:42 Wed 01st Apr 2015
Did I just hear a dog bark ?
Yes, I wondered if it was Scruff but no one commented on it. Kate gets worse, doesn't she. So insensitive.
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According to this link Scruff is a German Shepherd Cross, so a big boy Mikey. And yes, I heard a woof tonight.
Was it a woof or a shaggy(ing!) dog story!!!! (Lets get the naughty word in as much as we can before it gets banned.... !!!)
Something's scratching at my door:)
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Could be Tilly's rats?
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Let's hope Scruff catches them and eats them. If he's alive how come he's not made his way home yet?
That Kenton has a really nasty temper...I never liked him !
He's up the river Am without a paddle:-)
Silly beggar...wish he would go back Down Under and stay there !
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Yep, he took that well didn't he!
Has scruff gone to the same pace as Freda?
He's only got himself to blame really, he should have waited.
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Melv NOOOOOOOO. Don't even think that.

Helly you're right, of course he should have waited silly man.
Who's up the Am without a paddle? Scruff or Kenton (or both!!) either way they ill both be shagged!!!! (snigger, snigger, snort xx)
Who would have thought that Kirsty would come to Ambridge ?

What is the chances for her and Tom to get back together again ? This "new" Tom seems much more sensible than the old one ! I have always liked Kirsty !
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Anything is possible Mikey, we will have to be patient (not your strong point I believe). Lovely to see the noose tightening around Rob's neck though. Pay the money or take the test Rob, your choice.
Excuse me now I'm busy........ Scruff........Scruff Scruff! well you know me ! Yes, I am not known for my patience !

Judging by last nights program, Rob should take the ruddy test ! Perhaps Helen can take a swab when he is sleeping !
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Oh how disappointed we'll all be if he turns out to not be the father. Perhaps the scriptwriters are playing with us.

Helen and Rob in bed Mikey, ugh, doesn't bear thinking about.

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Scruff? Scruff? Scruff? Oh Scruff?

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