�10 Riddle in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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�10 Riddle

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Jaymo | 20:45 Thu 21st Oct 2004 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Does anyone remember an old riddle which was about someone going into a shop with a �10 note to buy some items, handing the money over and a complicated exchange of change to and fro, which ends up with it all adding back upto �9.99 - or something. Can anyone recite it word for word - sorry a long one i know!!
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Not quite the one you're after buy very similiar.

Three diners in a restaurant. The bill comes to �30 so they each pay �10. The proprietor realises there's been a mistake and that the bill should be only �25. He sends the waiter back to the table with the change. Being a canny fellow he pockets �2 and returns �1 each to the diners. Now...the diners have paid �9 each making �27 and the waiter has �2 in his pocket. �27 + �2 = �29. Where's the other pound gone ????

What do you mean by "the other pound"?

The diners have paid �27 : �25 to the restaurant and �2 to the waiter / thief.  There is no such thing as "the other pound".

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Thank you Russyfoot, that is basicaly the riddle i was thinking of, thanks for taking the time to re-write it all out, I have been trying to remember it for some years. Eh Bernado - "Calm down dear - It's a commercial" There wasn't an answer required, just an amusing riddle, cheers all.

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�10 Riddle

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