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Johnny Walker

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quizzywig | 15:17 Mon 29th Nov 2010 | Radio
7 Answers
Yesterday while travelling home (from Hampshire to Derbyshire) Mr Q and I were tuned in to Radio 2 (don't have a DAB) only to be stuck with Johnny Walker - from 3pm to god knows how long - seemed to be forever! What awful taste in music he has. It was appparantly a David Bowie day and we had to listen to Ziggy Stardust type rot. The rest of the show was so bad we nearly switched off! The only slightly intersting thing was an interview with Dwayne Eddy. I shall never travel at that time again. Will leave later and catch Paul O'Grady or anybody! We had to pit up with Richard Allinson on the way down - how young does he think he is?


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The rest of the show was so bad we nearly switched off!

Or over to another station.
I have always thought that Johnny Walker has one of the most fabulous radio voices ever, combined with an almost complete absence of personality!

Given is experiences as someone at the cuttiong edge of modern radio from the pirates onwards, the people he has met, the gigs he has seen, and so on, he seems utterly without anything interesting to say about anything, which is such a pity.

As for Richard Alinson - he too has a good voice, but even less - if possible - personality than JW. It's like listening to paint dry.

Why oh why can;t the BBC put these people out to grass and move in really good broadcasters to daytime like Radcliffe and Maconie who are wonderful of an evening, and would surely appeal to an intelligent listenership at weekends as well.
Johnny Walker is probably the best dj of the last 50 yrs but only cos John Peel is not about
This'll cheer you up then..
Question Author
Absolutely hilarious!!!
Dare I say it, but I like JW and Richard Allinson! I also like Martin Kelner
Of course you dare - this is only people's opinions - feel free to disagree.

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Johnny Walker

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