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How manipulative is Jasmine?

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sanden | 21:07 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Reality TV
7 Answers
Yes this is a game. Everyone has had to nominate. Why does she have to play the poor defenseless woman, when she really is a hard faced b***h.
She really is an actress. Awful person.


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I think that Jasmine has spoken her mind and been one of the only 'genuine' people in there. Get rid of boring, 'my tits are real' Rhian. Next out, the equally obnoxious Danica. What a fraud! Sod Martin, Julian Clary to win, love him!
Can't stand her. Her verbal attack on Prince Lorenzo was utterly uncalled for. I felty really sorry for him, stupid cow! Don't care for Rhian either I have to admit, or Danica. Going back to Jasmine, isn't she thin??? Her legs are like matchsticks. I love Julian, Cheryl and quite like Julie, but she's a bit daft at times !
I have never liked her. I remember what a cow she was on that modelling show. Horrible woman. Simon Cowell is well rid! lol ;)
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I thought it was just me after reading Sir Alec's post! I think its funny that she says her and Danica have different morals???? She is busting to tell the 'Simon Cowell story' and make her fortune. When she went to the garden and started the fake cry I thought how awful she was, but then when she spoke to Lorenzo in that way I realised how nasty she was and what an actress she is.
i think shes a nasty piece of work, she started stirring as soon as she went in there.

i don't agree with you Sir Alec i think the only time she has been "honest" is when the mask has slipped and she's got angry, then you're seeing the true jasmine
She says Danica has no morals, but she didn't sleep with an attached man, did she?

Dirty, anorexic woman that she is - she is vile

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How manipulative is Jasmine?

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