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lukey121 | 22:22 Mon 04th Jun 2007 | Reality TV
6 Answers
Does anyone else think that sometimes Charlie looks like a man.


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she looks like a man all ov the time.....cant stand the bird rite drama queen get her out of there
Mmm yes, but then so does the other thing with pink hair, that has GOT to be a man.
other thing???, why has she got to be a bloke just coz she's not as makeup orientated or pretty as the others. Trace is great.
i cant stand her either!! she fabricates everything! she has gotta get the boot this week!!

the whole show need a boot up its arse.....more men need to go in!
Not only is she Kieran Richardsons cousin, she looks like him in drag as well!
She doesn't look like a man from where I'm sitting!

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