Thankyou 4getmenot - that's very kind.
I think my experience of life in general has coloured who i am, and therefore my opinions, but having worked with women for so long, and having a wife and three daughters, means I do get the serious inside view of the way women think.
If, as I have, you can become 'one of the girls', you get an insight into how women interact with each other when there are no men around - and if like me, you take it on board, and think about what you see and hear, it helps to break down the barriers that our culture puts between the genders.
Men are often brought up with the idea that men 'don't understand' women, and vice versa, but rthat's just a lazy cop out to prevent men from having to put a little work and effort into seeing that yes, the sexes are different, but that is not an excuse to dip out, it's a reason to get involved, ans explore people who think and reason and feel differently.
I find it fascinating, and learn something every day.