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octavius - you missed my point - i meant applaud as opposed to attack - by no means was i suggesting that these people deserve any sort of admiration, but that if you admire any of them (an some people do!) that it should be the ones playing the game not the others
eyeshade - i am perfectly calm.
why can't a person ask a few questions without someone telling them to chill and calm down?
If i start ranting and raving and foaming at the mouth, then tell me to chill, but don't just for putting forward a few queries. I am entitled to ask questions, without being patronised.
I could not care less about big brother, nor do i rejoice that it is on - i just wanted to know why people in the house, and indeed outside, seem to get so hung up on this sort of thing.
why there are so many ''accusations'' of this nature flung about, sometimes for no reason.
they are not all ''... showing off, bullying, talking like a incesent lunatic without coming up for breath, parading your ugly parts all over the place....'' sometimes they have done nothing wrong.
there is a girl there now (amy?) who they all seem to hate because of a 'vibe' or a 'feeling' or a 'sense' - no real evidence, but they gang up.
same thing happened with billy - he apparently 'stared at people' so he was clearly evil personified.
i know they have reasons for not getting on, but sometimes it seems like snap judgements based on very little, and the person is painted as a nasty piece of work.