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BB?Is it just me?

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jonah hart | 10:43 Mon 23rd Jun 2008 | Reality TV
22 Answers
Last week i really hated mario,I mean i wanted that guy out,Then last nite something changed sylvia was being such a bitch and got all the others creeping round her it was uncomfortable veiwing then all of a sudden mario an lisa came on and i was so releived to see them and for the first time i felt glad they were in the house,Whats wrong with me?


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simple answer, youve gone doolally :)
I think it's beacuse you have no life of your own that you feel the need to watch complete strangers playing to a camera.

Have you tried going outside? You might meet some real people that way.
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When sylvia lied to Mikey that really annoyed me. Fair enough she stole and others have hidden food but she lied to a blind man, but Jen annoyed me even more walking around infront of him eating the cookie. Stupid immature kids. Anyways I cant explain your sudden love of morticia and bernie winters
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I think your right redcrx! I really have to sort meself out, Or maybe the others are being so nasty an bitchy and forming groups that dare i say it mario an lisa seem quite normal,x x
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Can you imagine if mo or rex had stole the cookies,Sylvia and her gang would have kicked off,
sylvia is picking up where Alex left off.

will BB be kicking out another bully soon???
She is like a dog on heat where Stuart is concerned. I feel sorry for her poor boyfriend! Mind you, he'd be better off without her by the looks of things.
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Lets hope so red,That was quite weired how she jumped into bed with stu on his first night,Then made out yesterday to him that she didnt have a boyfriend,She,s only known the guy 2mins,Has anyone eles noticed jen kept her distance from dale when stu came in?Then decided she didnt like stu so went creeping back to dale.
slyvia is just a stupid selfish little girl, she won't be on for long! but marios makes me cringe i can't watch when he's on, and when they were dancing int he bedroom and was just looking at himself in the mirror, eughhhhhhhhhh
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I forgot the dance arhhhhhh,That was the most cringing veiwing ever,Thats just put my question in order thanks mccfluff
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no problemo, whenever you need me lol
Syvia was a really bitch last night. I thought she had taken a step back from the loud mouth arguing after watching Alex perform, and now she has taken over.
Also, how child-like are Sylvia and Jen - whisper, whisper about Stuart. Crumbs they have only known him for a very short while and seemed to expect him to be head over heels in love with them. I cant believe how they keep whispering to each other about him. So much for Sylvia's boyfriend and Dale, who must have suddenly felt like he had the plague. Jen had been 'attached' to Dale for 2 weeks until Stuart went in. Shallow or what???
I agree with you Jonah - after two weeks of cringing watching Mario and Lisa I feel that I am now getting used to them (scary thought!). They are disturbing, but Sylvia is worse - trying to always be the centre of attention, being openly selfish and lying to Michael etc. She's a dramaqueen and I just cross my fingers that she will get the boot on Friday - I'd rather get another week of Mario than seeing more of her childish behaviour.

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Yes definatly lil frog,I could easily cope with mario but not sylvia,Maybe after sylvias gone than i might be saying arhhh get mario out but for now he,s finex
imagine waking up to mario...........
I can't say I'm getting used to them but I would rather Sylvia leave than Mario. She has no idea how foolish she is making herself look.
does she really have a bf on the outside do you think?

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