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Luke is he g#y

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bestmum | 19:05 Tue 08th Jul 2008 | Reality TV
11 Answers
What do you think about luke do you think he is g#y?


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No dont think so but reminds of the boy who sang "Leaning on the Lampost Song" with his ukele!!!!
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Do you mean George Formby??? I think Luke is so funny especially the other day in the diary room, when he said belinda 3x with pause for theatrical purpose!!! He made me laugh
well if he isn't - he b*****ywell should be !
OH please don't get me going on Luke .I love him I think I am the only one on here that does. I know he is manipulative and he sets up the ammunition for others to fire but he is so funny with it. Don't think he is gay.
he can be very camp but i don't think he's gay
as bent as a 9 bob note comes to mind, he is a closet gay.
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Thank you all for your thoughts. I think he is borderlineg#y not too sure I think he could go either way. I think he is sooo funny especially in the Diary room. Hope Mario goes maybe Luke can share the bed with Lisa!!!!! That would be a laugh who would be what?????? Luke to win.
i ahev slept with him, and he is defo a big bender
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I think his b@lls haven't dropped yet !
not so much gay, as drag queen...

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Luke is he g#y

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