Ohhhh Yes!!!! He-man has gone! How will they cope, no-one to 'risk-assess', no-one to patronise Mikey, no-one to 'facilate'or should that be irritate? I'm no Bex fan but how rude and obnoxious had 'Maz' become? Maybe now Lisa can start to open up a bit without him manipulating her every move! Mind you, whats she doing shaving her arms though ?!?!?!
I'm thrilled. Bex is immature and annoying, but Mario needs to come down a peg or ten. I liked Davina's tongue-in-cheek comment that his fan club has let him down!
I laughed my head off when during the interview with Davina that they referred to Mario as David Brent. That's exactly who Mario is and finally I could figure out what it is that's been bugging me about him for soo long.
He didn't like it one bit though did it, his smile didn't reach his eyes