What made me shout at the TV (won't say what as it wasn't very nice!) was when Big Brother told the group that some housemates had been talking in code and they knew that Arsenal was Darnell etc.. and Stuart totally over reacted and jumped up saying "Oh My God whose done that in code?!" then the idiot turned out to be one of the ones who had been discussing noms!
He incriminated himself (& made himself look guilty possibly cos he knew it had been talked about even if it wasn't actually him) by reacting the way he did even if he hadn't actually been one of the ones who talked in code (I don't know if he had or not but was guilty of talking noms, code or no code).
He should have just sat there and kept schtum. If I was in there it would make me think twice about him. Thick idiot!
Even without the codes, if you watch what Luke, Stu and Dale say, they talk about people in a way that could be construed how to vote, bout time BB saw through it!!!