I wonder if you'll be asking this question in a week. I predicted he's on a mission of manipulation this week, the housemates and the audience so I guess by the end of this week he'll have loads of fans again. Unfortunately cos he's horrible. Still it demonstates how naive people are about other people.
He's th epitome of a 'bad' boyfriend. I've had 2 violent relationships (thankfully well behind me now) but Rex shows all the signs -the manipulation OMG (and I don't uset that lightly at my age!) telling his girlfriend what to wear!!?? and the controlling -why is he still there? Far as i'm concerned he's lucky you're not allowed to lynch people these days....
i don't like him but i wouldn't say he's the most disliked over - what about grace, makosi, ceasar (or however you spelt it) jason from bb5, charlie, alex, dale, there have been loads
Yeah I feel sorry for him sometimes - I think he's manipulative, possessive and controlling - but he has got a point when he says she doesn't do much for him. He's always the one making the effort to kiss her or be affectionate. Having said that, why would she feel like being affectionate to him when she's read whats been in the papers about him.
I noticed on last nights bb that they cut the nasty remark that rex made about rachel before rachel and kat entered the poor bedroom. I saw it on the live.
Im guessing they are trying to put rex in a good light again now with the "lets blame his girlfriend storyline"
You are probably right cazza about the bb editing. I think they too have become fearful for the safety of Rex, a lynch mob awaiting for a public hanging.
I find it interesting he came out and said he hated Rachel. It was pretty damn obvious and because she's got all the qualities he could never have.
Feeling sorry for Rex? He shows no emotion, does he ever look upset? No he uses it to gain sympathy points with his housmates/audience.. He's emotionless like all Narcissistic people.
I don't know about Rex but I'm finding Nicole intolerable. She wants attention from Rex and when she does get it she doesn't want it. I know shes only 19 but jeez! Why doesn't she just LEAVE!!!
But Rex made it look like he chose Sarah for Nicole, but later said he wanted BOTH girls to party with.
She had already told him she wanted to mingle with the housemates more.
He later said to Nicole 'Why can't you be more smooth like Sarah here'.. how horrible.
it's because of him she's the way she is people especially couples reciprocate behaviour and he's the dominant one.