Poppy Wearing on TV...... in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Poppy Wearing on TV......

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ELVIS68 | 01:31 Mon 08th Nov 2010 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers
Is it really necessary for everyone who appears on TV to wear a poppy?

I get the impression that anyone who goes infront of the camera is told to wear a poppy whether it be on X Factor, Strictly, Match Of The Day, Newsreaders etc

To me this cheapens the cause that they are wearing them by force.

Don`t get me wrong I have every respect for every soldier that has put his or her life on the line for this country in past or present conflicts but every year it gets worse and is turning into a gimmick like red nose day
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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What makes you think they are wearing them by force?
Elvis, I am all for anything that helps to advertise a very good cause, but I felt the same as you, that on a given day a couple of weeks ago, the BBC appears to have said "if you're in front of the camera, a poppy will be worn". We may be quite wrong but I agree, it's blanket coverage, which isn't reflected in the stree outside. If the BBC has bought thousands of poppies to support the RBL, then that's brilliant.
I've just bought mine, a few days ahead of Nov 11 - I'll wear it now, I couldn't find anywhere selling them until yesterday. I wanted a wristband, but the website is sold out!
All those poppies cost money which helped to increase the fund.I doubt that anyone is forced to wear them.
Unless of course the TV companies get given their poppies to dish out to it's presenters....

I'm not saying that's the way it is, but it honestly wouldn't surprise me!
Could be B00, in the same way that charities send out small gifts to people to try to encourage them to donate. Anything that raises RBL poppy appeal profile is a good thing!
I would like to think they were them from choice. I think lots and lots of people in the UK would have lost forefathers in the wars, possibly too, losing relatives in present conflicts. The Remembrance Sunday parade always gets a good turn out here.
Boo how can you be so cynical ?
dennis, I don't think I was cynical, sorry if it came over that way, but it was a strange coincidence that suddenly everyone was wearing poppies, but not the day before. Charities do market to raise their profile - Poppy Day and Help for Heroes are my top two charities, so I am in no way questioning the reasons behind the poppy-wearing, only that it was commented on by several people that suddenly, as Elvis says, nobody appeared on TV without one.
i think everyone has a choice to wear them or not, i wouldnt of thought people are made to wear them by force !!
Boxtops,I was actually referring to Boo's statement ie.."but it honestly wouldn't surprise me! "
I've just managed to buy a couple of wristbands off eBay, all profits to RBL so I am pleased with that - I must look for them earlier next year.
With tongue in cheek of course!!
Sorry if iv'e offended your sensibilities dennis ;-)
Ah - thanks Dennis, I misread Box not B00 (must learn to read) ... but nonetheless I know what B00 means, lots of charities give freebies in the hope that it will raise profile and encourage more people to give. (Only this week I've had address labels from the Dog's Trust (I haven't got a dog) and a keyring from somewhere else, just arrived through the post, and they are not charities I give to regularly.) Whatever the reason, more power to RBL's elbow - in my view, the Armed Forces' charities are far more in the forefront of everyone's minds than they have been in past years.
I've blinged mine, it's now all glittery, but when I wear it here in Ibiza, the locals ask if it's for cancer (bless them) and are very surprised when I explain it's for ww2 etc, bearing in mind that Spain wasn't in the war. Not many ex-pats wear them.
No way Boo.lol
There is huge amount of pressure on people to wear them

Jon Snow has resisted the "poppy facism" for a number of years

Jon Snow (channel 4 news) refuses to wear one on screen and calls it poppy facsism to be lambasted for not wearing one
I don't agree that it's 'poppy facism' to decry Jon Snow for not wearing a poppy.

That sort of freedom of choice is exactly what the World Wars soldiers died for - and he has a right to exercise it freely.

Of course, that also entitles people to say what they think of his stance.
BBC = British Broadcasting, get it ? You WILL respect Her Majesty's forces and uphold standards when employed by HM Gov controlled offices.

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