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The kings peach!!

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Quassia | 18:31 Tue 06th Sep 2011 | TV
21 Answers
LOL!! .. love this programme!


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I can't stand it Quassia, I think it's infantile (sorry)..
Question Author
I'm infantile notas! x
Loads of folk like it though and I'm sure they'll start agreeing with you soon (lol)
not watched it yet, but i might later, it can't be any worse than the film it's taking off, as I (i know I'm probably on my own) thought that was bloody dire, and boring.
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Love the play on words Boo! .. I liked the film too!
After Boo's comment I watched the clip and yes, I concede, it was funny !
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It creased me notas!!
I hadn't seen this before, I think it is hilarious, but it doesn't take much to make me laugh!
loved the film, don't care for the clip.
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Only shown last night did!
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eeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmm ;0)
hiya quassy,
id not seen that before, lol .. and ive not seen the film either!
i see bob mortimer was doing the 'walking on his knees with his shoes strapped to his knees' thing, that you spoke about over on my memory thread the other day! lol

thankyou for your kind comments about mum over on tother thread :o) x
Question Author
Just made me laugh this sketch looby, thought it might appeal to your sense of humour! ;0)
Regards your mum .. you never quite know what others are going through on here in private. Thoughts and best wishes to your mum looby x
i used to love shooting stars years ago! was funny lol.
oh, just like alan partridge too - do you like him? lol.. he still makes me laugh/cringe! lol

ah cheers quassia, thats lovely of you, thank you very much :o) x

(she discovered she had a breast lump in june after a routine mammogram,
scans and biopsies found it was cancer... we were devastated! :o(
she had the op in july, on her birthday of all days!
and a week later we went back for the results, on pins we were, and was told theyd removed it all ok, and that it hadnt spread!
ohh what a relief to hear that, youd not believe!!!!!!
shes doing fine now, thank goodness, and come next thursday she starts her 3 week course of radiotherapy every day.
im sure it will all go fine for her, and all will be ok.
shes got my dad and the rest of us to give her support, and rally round and do and help out where we can :o)
we are a very close knit family, and i think the world of me mum, so as you can imagine the last 3 months has been a very worrying and anxious time for us all x)
Question Author
Yes I love Alan Partridge looby .. what a brilliant geek he plays . .. so funny!
Well I hope everything goes o.k for your mum looby .. thank goodness she has all of you for support! x
lol .. remember him and his 12'' plate at his travel tavern?! lol

and when he took that woman back to his room, and told her that she ''certainly knew her on..ii..onssss..'.... and was 'keeping the wolf from the door' by talking about 'norwich's new pedestrianisation'!! lol ...
and then he got rather alarmed and put out by her use of the chocolate mousse that she'd brought up to the room with her! lol .... remember that one?! lol .... very funny :o))

ta quassy.. again, very kind of you :o)
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Just watching old clips on you tube looby! :0)
Sorry to interupt, looobylooo - where does your avatar come from? It`s such a lovely, cheeful picture
*cheerful* even
sorry, only just seen your reply quassy! .. which ones were you watching?
i like to watch him when hes on dave, seen them loads of times, but still enjoy! lol

hi 237s, thank you :o)
i just found it online one night when i was looking for a new av - i love daisies.
(i like to chop and change my pic quite often, as you may or may have not noticed, lol)
i agree, its quite lovely isnt it.
its one of those pics that would look nice up on the wall, isnt it?
if i spot it again when im on the look for a new pic, and it has a name, i will let you know :o)

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