As I said - I don't watch. My problem with him is that he seems to think his intellect excuses him from complying with the mores of the society of which he is part.
I think he is brilliant and I wish there were more people like him on TV. People who were highly intelligent and not afraid to show it. I could watch him in absolutely anything. He is doing a new show next week all about language which I will be watching avidly.
I thought he was looking fatter, he was on the One Show tonight. I quite like him. seems to acknowledge his faults, and it is a way to earn a living by appearing on TV can't knock that. If only Wossy would take the hint.
Clever? Got a good memory, don't know about clever. HE certainly thinks he is. Does anyone remember when he was somebody's Phone a Friend on Millionaire and he got it wrong? Can't remember who it was.
Used to watch him but not now and Peter Ustinov was in another lass.
Considering all the times you are so quick in answering crossword puzzle clues scotman I don't think you are lacking in brain cells. In fact I reckon you could be up there with the best of them.