What is The Cafe ? in The AnswerBank: TV
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What is The Cafe ?

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David90 | 19:51 Thu 24th Nov 2011 | TV
14 Answers
It was on Sky 1. It can't be a comedy because it's not in the least bit funny. It's not a drama because it's not in any way dramatic. It is a complete waste of resources. I could make similar comments about Life's Too Short on BBC1 "starring" Ricky Gervais and a dwarf - another non-dramatic non-comedy waste of everyone's time. Get more enjoyment walking the dog plus benefit from the exercise.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Too true,David,both are crap.
I quite liked The Cafe. Granted, it's not the funniest comedy.

One of my favourites from the same team was "Early Doors".
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean nobody does!

If it wasn't entertaining to anybody it wouldn't be screened?

Personally I haven't watched either.

I agree about walking the dogs, keep it up and stop worrying about what other people view as entertainment.
I haven't seen it as I don't have Sky, I was rather hoping it might be quite good as it was filmed in my local town, but I doesn't sound like it is.
I did wonder why one of the prominent sea front cafes was closed in the middle of summer though, now I know.
I thought early doors was brilliant. My in laws used to run a small pub and the customer characterisation was spot on, also a very sweet story going on in the background
Crime won't crack itself!
Aw i forgot to watch. I only wanted to see because of where it was filmed.

Personally I think Life's Too Short is the funniest thing on Tv at the moment!
I haven't seen it yet, but I can't imagine that it could be any worse than Spy on Sky1 with Robert Lindsay - utter dross...
Hear Hear!

Warwick Davis is brilliant as a Mini-Brent and his Michael Flatley in ep2 was hilarious.
I do wish people would stop describing TV programmes that *they* don't like as "crap" and "rubbish". Simply not to you're taste.
zeuhl yes, that had us almost rolling around the floor laughing, the wedding seen with his 'ewok' outfit was hilarious too.
I like The Cafe and Life's Too Short. The one with Liam Neeson was imo hilarious !
i enjoyed lifes to short, but it clashed this week with something else id sky+'d anyone know if its repeated again please?
I'm with you on that point Gingebee. My mother was very black and white and would declare many things 'crap', TV, modern art, music - all creative things where 'liking' is very subjective. With regards art I always maintained that if it got people discussing it then it had served its purpose.

i think it's repeated on the wednesday with new ep on thursday

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