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Emmerdale Query

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pips1 | 16:59 Sat 10th Dec 2011 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers
I know Declan is obviously upset at the loss of his daughter Mia, but I thought Jai was the real dad and he doesn't seem bothered at all.
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jai never knew he was mia's dad till around 1 month before she died and she didn't know he was her dad.he hardly saw her so don't except much reaction from him
Being a Dad involves bringing a child up, Jai was a sperm donor, Declan was her father.
↑ someone's been watching Jeremy Kyle...
Or listening to The Archers!
lol sara!
not a donor in the artificial sense zebo it was a lustful sh*g years ago's not real you know...only pretend....!!!
Don't be silly murray..............Emmerdale is just up the road from me.
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Thanks for all your answers, just wondered!

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