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Will Karen get her own way?

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albaqwerty | 15:39 Wed 01st Feb 2012 | TV
32 Answers
Will Rob cave in?
Would someone please slamp Princess Barbie, but having seen her mum, I know where she gets it from.
Can we please get back to Heston?

Yes, folks, it's Doctors (again)


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I've been chuckling at all the comments. Did you see Karen's face when she saw the house had a conservatory?? Hilarious.

I think they should sell it and put a conservatory on their old house.
Talking of Heston, we haven't seen the wizened up old bat he lives with since
last Friday. You don't think Heston has done her in, do you?
If you inherited a bigger property than the one you live in now, what would you do. I'd hate to have snobby neighbours. I think I'd sell and enjoy the money and stay put!
Noooo, he wouldn't....... would he?????......No.

It would depend on the house but basically yes, I think I would sell it for the money cupid.
OK I was wrong - grow a pair Rob!
I know you love watching Doctors, albaqwerty, but surely even you must
agree that leaving us in the lurch last Friday with Heston being injured, then
come Monday, Tuesday and wednesday still no explanation is bad continuity.
I did notice at the end of todays episode [the trailer for tomorrow the man-
beater is back]. Perhaps all will be explained. We live in hopes!
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Cupid, I agree wholeheartedly. But judging from the trailer from Thursday's programme, I think (and hope) today (Friday) will be the denouement.
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Loved the way Karen ran round and launched herself at Rob yesterday!!

Maybe Friday is Heston day, what a gentleman. In the way he told Marina to bergar off.
What a shock when he took his shirt off alba. The poor man.
Poor Okono :(
Made me want to kiss him better!
I realy dont think we have heard the last of this story, surely its to good to just let it go....

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Will Karen get her own way?

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