Perfection- The very first question on Perfection had the wrong answer. in The AnswerBank: TV
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Perfection- The very first question on Perfection had the wrong answer.

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gollob | 12:20 Sat 25th Feb 2012 | TV
10 Answers
The question was "What country in Africa is the largest in area" The answer given sudan which was wrong. Algeria is the largest country by area.
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That was keeping me awake at night...
Sarah Palin thought Africa...was a Country!!?? >:0
Sudan was the largest country in Africa, only splitting into two last July. Perfection was probably recorded before then.
Perhaps it was recorded prior to South Sudan's independence. I believe the combined areas of North and South Sudan are greater than Algeria.
A Perfection that was on the other day was recorded in 2010, which I noticed in the closing credits.
Ah! The nasty old world, it keeps changing, & quizes can't have set and correct(?) answers from one year to the next. (Poor show!) With new/revised countries & borders this can happen though.
gollob you have not achieved perfection
According to Chambers World Factfinder Sudan(as was) is larger than Algeria.

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Perfection- The very first question on Perfection had the wrong answer.

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