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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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Lol..Robinia ..I've been looking at winter clothes on the internet .
we have spent the day dozing and waking. Shughy is much better. i think I will keep him in tomorrow then see how he is.
We actually have SUNSHINE here, not bright but better than nothing.
Hija is doing a spot of waitressing in Ibiza Rocks, so she is happy!
hoorah, now go be nice to Mr N
see, I told you she'd find something neti :)
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It's so dull and dismal here and there's nothing on the tele for me .I'm going to take myself to bed with a book and my crosswords .Never thought I'd see the day I cleared off to bed this early !
Oight Oight .
mental note: approach shaney's parties with caution

ugh! I wish I hadn't looked jno...

You and me both shaney, I feel the same but if I go to bed now I'll fall asleep and be wide awake again at 1am.
I came on the puta to look up the number that called me at 9pm....home insulation company!!! grrr...(I've got caller display, it was an 0845 number so I didn't answer it) They really should be stopped somehow.
hi all. sorry ive not read all your posts yet. just to tell you i have to have a plate fitted as it is very damaged. i have to ring monday morning to get a time when i have to go if at all because it may be put off if there are emergencies.i am living on paracaetamols. will catch u tomorrow. sorry no punctuation ect .. and no capitals. im all left hand at the mo ; x
I just spotted you before I logged off Jude. Oh dear, what a booger, I'm sorry this has happened to you. Take care, I hope you have a good sleep. x
Oh poor Jude. I hope you get some sleep. Take care.

Oight oight to all xx
oh that's hard luck jude i am going without capitals in sympathy with you hope you can keep the pain at bay through the weekend
Morning all, it's stopped raining...for the moment.
My back's so stiff and painful, this damp can't be doing anyone any good. There'll be a lot of SAD this year if things don't get better soon.

Hope the rest of you are coping with your pain/troubles, 'specially Jude. I'm trying to be extra careful with everything, better not go shopping in my 6" stilettos today. Mind you, we need stilts to get through some of the puddles around here.

Now I'm not the world's biggest cat lover but this is so sweet and I think we need one 'awww' moment every day.
Yes Robi that is sweet. I will be thinking of you Jude, all I can say is tae it easy and I am sure that monday will be fine. They plated my dad's shattered ankle back together and he did really well on it. The rain has just started here. Sick dog is much better and we are going to have a quiet catch up day today. Much washing and cleaning sigh. Nothing from swetty Neti, I hope there hasn't been more mayhem in the N household......
Ah Robinia, that is so sweet

And this one is especially for our Jude

Good morning by the way. The house is upside down, Mr LL is now painting walls - I think he has taken some pro-plus. He seems to be for ever doing stuff which makes me feel guilty!!
Morning Woofy. Glad Shughy is feeling better.
Well tell him to be careful Lottie. People worry me (too much)'s Tarquin's birthday today & he's off to do an open water swim again in the Lake District. It gives me the heebie jeebies but they are very closely watched by safety kayakers.

Go easy on the domestics woofy
Morning all, sorry, just done shopping.
Jude, hope you are feeling ok x
ee are all back on track (well i need my Sunday lunch tomorrow)
So silence still reigns supreme!
Am sitting in village having a 2nd coffee cos am addicted. It is unbearabley humid. I know there isn't an e in that but phone wouldn't. Let me take it out.
Hi Neti. Humid here too, but probably not quite as much.

Robi, I try telling him to be careful and he worries me a lot, but he is what he is and gets angry with me. Son is just the same - double the worry. Mr LL has been told since his heart attack to keep as active as possible, so I suppose I should be glad, but last night he was in bed by 12.00 and up again this morning at 6.00am washing walls down. His Mum and his sister are the same too. I think it might be something to do with their earlier circumstances which were awful, and the way he has been brought up.
Just hanged the loose throws on the settees, as they get very grubby with all this body heat!! ugh!!

So humid, cannot believe it, and it isovrcast, which makes it worse. have to hoover around then leap in pool.

Hope you are all hale and hearty!

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