Let's try to imagine the number 80,658,175,170,943,878,571,660,636,856,403,76
another way
Area of the Sahara Desert: 9 000 000 (km^2) = 9.0 × 10^12 m^2.
Depth of the sand in the Sahara: approx 100m
Volume of sand in the Sahara: (9.0*10^12)*(100m) = 9.0*10^14 m^3.
Volume of a grain of sand: 1.13 x 10^-13 m^3
Therefore the number of grains of sand in the Sahara is: (9.0*10^14 m^3)/(1.13 x 10^-13 m^3) = approx 8.0x10^27 grains of sand or
8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 grains of sand or 8 octillion grains of sand. This number is so minutely small compared to the original number that for each grain of sand in the Sahara you would need billions and billions (about 80,000,000,000,000) of Sahara deserts for each of our original grains to make a figure even approaching this.
Now if I were to pick one single grain of sand out of just one this astronomically large amount of Sahara Deserts, you genuinely believe given as much time as you like, that you could tell me which one?