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Jemisa | 01:01 Mon 04th Mar 2013 | TV
8 Answers
Remember this coming week East-Enders is on
every single night of the week. So put your
planner on if you're gonna be out.



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Thanks for that Jemisa, oh good, although I've had enough of Phil Mitchell and sharon to last me a lifetime.
Sharon is not a very good actress she always gives me the impression that she is reading her lines from a screen as she speaks.
Agree with that wendilla, she tries to act using just facial expression imo.
Thanks for the warning,Jem.!!
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When Sharon came back it was rumoured she was doing a 7 month stint, isn't that nearly up? So if she is going will she take Phil Mitchell with her? I do hope so. This Lexi storyline is soo stupid & unlikely. D'ya agree?

Yes I agree Jem and it's being dragged out way to long.
Yes, it's stupid. He's a convicted criminal who is well known to the police. They wouldn't take a baby from its mother for getting into a fight.
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I think too they've lost quite a few viewers over this. They nearly lost me but I'm an addict.


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