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tiggerblue10 | 22:29 Sun 31st Mar 2013 | TV
25 Answers
Can I ask a question about the ending or is it too soon to discuss? I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't watched it yet...


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...and is planning to watch it, that is.
Go on ...I loved that fillum!
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And I'm not talking about the film with David Bowie.
Oh. In that case....
I thought it was on the telly. Is it a series or something then?
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Sorry AP x
Np :-)
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It was a miniseries type thing on C4 last 2 nights. It was based on a novel by Kate Mosse.
it is a long and complex story and book. needed to be divided into more parts imo. don't we have serials on telly anymore.
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I haven't read the book L-J but I might just have to to figure out what happened at the end.
i thought it was worth the effort. this programme did not really do it justice. however OH did not get beyond the first half dozen pages before saying it was unreadable. silly man.
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I must say, its not too disimilar to a now infamous book that was out a few years ago. Very similar theme. There are actually quite a few of these types of books about.
i'd lend you my copy if you lived nearer and if i hadn't already lent it to a friend. (thinks - sh must have finished it by now).
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Thank you for the thought L-J. I'm going to see if i can get hold of a copy from somewhere.
I loved it although it wasn't given a good write up in the Radio Times. I found it really fascinating. I would like to read the book, but the books are often so different from the films, perhaps it's better to remember the TV version.
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I'd like to read the book Helly, as you get more of an isight into the characters and what they're thinking. I think thats why many people say that books are much better than tv or film adaptations.

Also, I think I missed a lot of the dialogue.
I've read the book (it took me ages) and I was still a bit lost at the end.
I have since read some reviews where it was slated as one of the worst books ever written.................
i haven't seen it, but loved the book, she was my recommendation to some on here, much better than Dan Brown... the person thought she was chick lit, but that isn't so...
I read the book some years back, I thought it was great - but I missed the TV series, I was out on Sat night, and part II was on too soon for me to watch part I on catchup. I hope they repeat it. Worth getting the book out of the library, tiggs.
I don't like Dan Brown either :-(

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