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tooj | 12:16 Tue 26th Nov 2013 | TV
13 Answers
What is the difference between Reading a subject and Studying a subject? I was asked this last night and I hadn't a clue.


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None, as far as I know. It's just another way of saying it.
Was amused by one student saying "Reading situations vacant" some years ago.
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Thanks Sandy. It's just that the students appear to differentiate between the two.
There is no difference really. They mean the same thing -- but "reading" is the older word for "studying a subject at university".

So long as they aren't "doing" it...
Yes reading is the old way, some students like to appear cool and hip by saying studying or even more hip 'doing'.
If you read a subject you may not be taking it in. If you study a subject you may be learning from personal experience rather than reading. I guess it matters little what you claim. Perhaps they should all be studying it ?
do you think that Bamber was a better question master than Jeremy ?
Times have changed. Bamber was brilliant but he did just ask questions and didn't let his personality shine through. I thought Jeremy was rude and impatient when he first started. Now I think he can't be beaten, I'm not surprised he's cutting at times.(Paxman fan)
I've not watched it for a long time - however i did think that Jeremy was a bit rude , pompous , bombastic at times .

So he has changed his style now ?
I am a touch amused that JP is so contemptuously dismissive of some contestants when they don't know an answer which he does, whilst himself displaying an inability to pronounce many words correctly. The most common one (I've heard this at east twice) being pronouncing meteorology as meetreeology. His biggest bete noir is chemical names, sometimes he is so bad that I wonder how the contestants understand the question.
Prudie...with you 100% of the way here. How Paxo keeps his temper is beyond me. Some of these students seem to be a bit thick at times. Long may he continue !
Appearances are deceiving -- no one who makes it to the televised stages is "thick". But the mind works in a funny way under pressure.
I still expect the voice-over to say 'Bamber Gascoigne' even now!

I attended an aniversay tribute with Bamber asking the questions at Keele University, it was great to relive his particular way of dealing with questions.

I do think Jeremy has settled into his role, he was a bit nervous at first.

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