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The Chase

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DSJ | 21:04 Tue 07th Jan 2014 | TV
6 Answers
I was called away in the middle of today's 'The Chase' and I am wondering how it finished up. The first two contestants had gone through and the third contestant, the lady with the pink highlights, was just about to start answering her questions.

Update please.


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I only caught the last minute, but they lost £26,000 to The Chaser. There were three of them, If that helps.
I watched it but only the last bit.
When I switched on, there was £29k in the pot, with 2 people through and the last guy went up. He accepted the lower offer of -£3k ..... the 2 people through even told him to accept the lower ofst wanted him through. Anyway they got 19 (I think) and got caught with 2 seconds to spare ...... soooooo close .......
She got caught and the last bloke took the minus £3k offer and got through
It was very close, if they had correctly answered one more pushback they'd have won. Masterpiece was the easiest answer none of them got (name for an artist's greatest work).
.... dunno what happened there ......

"the 2 people through even told him to accept the lower offer as they wanted him through to the last round - he got through, so there were 3 in the final chase"
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Thanks for the info. Sorry I missed seeing the whole programme. The first Lady, Shaney, did particularly well.

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