Yes, she's no oil painting, is she? But then again, she's no spring chicken either. Having said that, you'd think her dresser, if she has one, would make the effort to ensure she looks presentable.
Had a look at the link and must admit to being shocked at how old Camilla is looking. Time for a face lift I think. Looking a bit more cheerful might help.
She looks fine to me - the hat is by an Irish designer so suitable for the occasion.
She doesn't need a facelift, nobody does. She looks like the 67 year old woman she is and I can imagine the jibes if she did have surgery.
starone - "Looking a bit more cheerful might help."
Supporting her husband and family while once again exposing herself to the criticism of the media and the nation is probably enough to leave the Duchess wondering "What will they make of this?" whenever she appears in public.
She is a woman forever cursed to follow in Diana's shadow, and I think she must love Charles very much to endure this bearpit of public scrutiny as often as she does.
How can we bring our little girls up to not be self concious when there are adults slating adults for imperfections. Some people should probably spend a bit more time looking in the mirror and realise they ain't that good looking themselves!
I rather like old is skin deep, and as you get older looks are not as important as manner and compatibility...I'm sure she'd rather be in jeans and wellies..I would too !