Motoring11 mins ago
The Royals
Did anyone see this ridiculous programme last night? It was so bad we had to watch it all the way through to see if it got any better. Its an American produced TV series about a 'fictitious' UK royal family with Liz Hurley as the Queen and next week apparently Joan Collins as the Queen Mother. Words fail me it was that bad, all I can say is the actors must be hard up for a job.
http:// uk.eonl /shows/ the_roy als
It was so bad I had to watch about half an hour, a bit like poking a sore tooth with your tongue.
21:17 Fri 27th Mar 2015
I don't think anyone is taking it too seriously retro, you're not meant to. If I had known it was on I might have had a peak for a laugh.
Not a bad review from the Telegraph I suppose.
http:// egraph. ulture/ tvandra dio/tv- and-rad io-revi ews/114 70451/T he-Roya ls-revi ew.html
Not a bad review from the Telegraph I suppose.