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roseandlily | 19:47 Fri 05th Aug 2016 | TV
10 Answers
Just watched Mastermind..why on earth have "they" decided to do away with the catchphrase" I've started so I''ll finish" ,..i'ts an integral part of the they have the blue finishing line.


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As far as I'm concerned the show died when Magnus died :-(
I agree with answerprancer. A sadly dumbed down version these days, with less time for questions and more time for the seemingly unavoidable chitchat. There did seem to be a conscious decision to eliminate all traces of the mighty Magnus too
.... and the irritating little bit of music too roseandlily. It went with the blue finish line which for me simply did away with the tension of waiting for the buzzer. Grrr!
It's that school headmaster style "interview" John Humphries conducts with every contestant that irritates me most.
I can't bear the chatty bit. Too tedious. I ff through those bits when I've recorded it. I don't know anything about the blue line, though. I haven't watched for a little while. How does that work?
I agree it's dumbed down, a lot! I find I am able to answer many of the general knowledge questions these days, whereas in the past I was so pleased to get a couple correct. It's showing in the results, as many are getting correct answers well into the 20s.
When we used to go and watch it being recorded, we were amazed that between the specialist and the general knowledge rounds, the contestants have to stay in their seats whilst a feeble comedian entertains the audience and some technical issues are addressed.
"I've started, so I'll finish" wasn't quite the correct thing to say, imo.
" I've started, so I'll stop...tell you that I've started and that I intend to finish....then I'll finish". Factually correct...but not quite catchy/concise enough, perhaps?
gingejbee - I think it might have been a correct phrase to use - Magnus was very hot on his grammar - he always said fewer or fewest I seem to remember. Don't know myself.
Looks like we're all unanimous that the remake of Mastermind is a bit of a flop.
What about University Challenge? I for one think Jeremy Paxman has made it brilliant, Bamber Gascoigne was so bland.

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