It was very good .I love Gunwald .Did you have a funny soundtrack?
It sounded as if they were in an echo chamber and it kept fading in and out. It wasn't my television as the other channels were ok .Good job it's subtitled , although I can't understand the language I like to hear the intonation in the voices.
My sound was fine. I always record programmes and watch them a bit later, so don't know if that makes a difference. I loved the singing at the funeral. Does anyone know what it was please? I'm beginning to learn the language- I know yes and no now!
That's really strange .I think I'll watch a bit of it on Iplayer and see if it's the same and I'll look at it again on my catch up as well. I hope the TV's not on the blink but other channels were fine .Weird.
The music was lovely at the funeral .I've no idea what it was .
I've really enjoyed this series .Just need some new Montalbano now !
I began watching Beck a few years ago and think it is one of the best detective series ever. I wait expectantly for each new series, then, when they arrive, they are all over far too quickly. I'm one of 'those' who really enjoy watching these sub-titled, foreign imports. You should try the Icelandic series, Trapped, which was aired on the Beeb at the beginning of the year.
Hello Ken. I didn't like Trapped - don't know why as people raved about it. I also don't like Montelbano. It got predictable with him having a sex scene in each episode. I might try again if it's on this winter. Never say never! I love the 'Scandi' dramas though, particularly the ones with Saga in.
I have never watched Beck and would like to give it a try. Without giving anything away about this plot, is there anything I need to know about the series to appreciate this one?
Beck is an 'older' quite traditional policeman who, I think, is a widower, not sure. He has a daughter who is having an intermittent relationship with Gunwald, Beck's sidekick who has a daughter and is separated from his wife.
This last series is quite brilliant, and well worth watching, but do watch them in order.