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hellywelly4 | 16:45 Thu 05th Jan 2017 | TV
24 Answers
Words fail me. Is this a joke? Why did we need to see the 'lady' coming out of the shower drying herself? Some people have a strange sense of what is entertainment!


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At this time of year with low temperatures I'd have been concerned had someone stepped from a shower and not dried themselves.
Icicles could be an extreme hazard if one sat down the wrong way.
Is this second series a follow on from the first series or completely different story lines? I watched the episode last night, the only one. I think I could get used to it. It seems to have that certain something that makes comedy drama a winner.
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In the Radio Times it's classed as a police drama. I didn't realise it was supposed to be funny.
I think it is a different story line Patsy I don't know about you but I can't remember a story line for 7 days never mind for more than 18 months :-)

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