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davebro3 | 15:23 Sun 01st Dec 2024 | TV
11 Answers

Daughter (?) says about oldie - now that I know you're going to be here all the time (paid carer) that's a load off my mind!

Erm - 24 hour care / one carer. Who the flip are they kidding?🤣

Who sanctions this claptrap?



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sorry - it just boils my pee!

(the oldie pictured seems quite capable anyway)

Who is the daughter, the oldie and the carer? How did you overhear this conversation?

Apologies, just seen you've posted in TV 

£1100 a week for full time live in care with Elder

there are loads of companies thatprovidelive in carers/companions (for the sort ofpeople who are becoming abitforgtful, or need assistance with shopping/cooking/bathing/eating.)

presumably that means there are lotsof customers

I think I've seen the advert you refer to, davebro.  A lovely older man out of the same mould as the Werther advert gents and reminiscent of J R Hartley; in a lovely home having a lovely chat with a lovely lady who is enthralled by his photo album.  All very lovely.  His daughter is very lovely, too.

If real life were like that it would be eternal springtime, butterflies and farms would smell like honeysuckle.


And how much is it costing???


I said at 15:48 a company called Elder Care (I think that is the advertiser) charges £1100 a week for 24/7 live in care, plus extras.  £40-£80 if they must have a driving licence, £80 a week for spousal support

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Not to mention dementia & incontinence. A friend had to keep his dad confined to his bedroom & use adult nappies before (at last) consigning him to a nursing home for his final days.

Sorry to be dim, but why does it boil your pee? 
It's just a cheesy advert, what's to be cross about?

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