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big brother - nicki

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Immi666 | 10:22 Mon 19th Jun 2006 | TV
13 Answers

the most annoying housemate in all the series of this show. she's soo bloody annoying. spoilt beyond reason. "i'm so coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllldddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd"



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you know there is now a Big Brother section for these posts

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hmmm, i'm slightly suspicious about clicking on that link, wondering where it would take me, since there is no obvious big brother section. link didnt go anywhere.


go to answerbank home page and there is a link there

There is a big brother section. And you'll find the ed will move your question/chat there. But I have to say I think Nikki is excellent a great entertainer. She at least knows she spoilt where as Grace was oblivious to it all.
What I don;t understand is, why is Nicki sitting there with a short-sleeved thin blouse, and shorts, moaning about being cold? Put a jumper and some socks on woman!
Nikki is very, very similar to my little sister. That may sound mean but minxi is actually 21 yrs younger than me at 6 yrs old. It is really unaaceptable behaviour from an adult.

she is very spoilt but hilarious to watch. I didn't know that anyone above 10 could make those faces! Saw her mother on BBLB and she looked amazingly normal - in comparison.


Someone should tell her to eat a bit more. Shes too obsessed with the low fat diet a bit of fat on her bones and she'd feel a lot warmer.

Yes, she is annoying me!

She is a nasty selfish self centred spoilt little brat.Its me me me constantly.If she is cold she should put more clothes on instead of expecting everybody else to roast,particularly in the bedroom where there is a lack of windows and fresh air in the first place.Then there is the constant view of her feeding her face and her eating habits are appalling,there appears to be a problem with her jaws.She accuses other people of eating more than their fair share but she always has some sort of food in her hand.The dramatics in the diary room maybe for effect but for me it means she should be up for eviction and be voted out this week.She asked for her case for being cold but she is still there.She is also using the lovely Pete for attention.She had better not hurt him.Grhhh.Great to get all this off my chest,cannot stand the girl.
re: Nikki's "I hate you" episode in the diary room, made me laugh so much, I have my daughter captured beautifully doing the "I hate you" bit to camera, difference is she was 3
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i've spent wayyyy too much money texting in and voting for nikki to be evicted the last coupla of weeks. it isnt working :(

yep shes getting right up my nose at the min that bloody nikki,all she does is moan and cry all dam day and night shes starting to look like a panda,shes a pain in the bum cant stand her she needs to grow up and stop acting like a spoilt brat
I actually quite like her - in an amusing way but if you had to live with all that drama queen nonsense she would drive you up the wall. I have to agree with a few posts - she was wailing about the Aircon and I just looked at what she was wearing - if you're cold put more clothes on - Grace annoyed me much more than Nikki as she had a sly vindictive side to her and I couldn't get over Lisa and Imogen's two-faced antics claiming that they hadn't encouraged Grace to throw the water - hello - we all heard you - guess they didn't think about the public - Lisa has done that before with the whole Lea & Sam (a**se-liker) but I was surprised at Imogen - I saw a nastier side to her up until then I thought she was quite sweet but just hated Richard - Lisa has got to gooooooooooooooooo

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