I know, does anyone else feel that she is corrupting pete? she's making him so miserable that he's lost his spark, even the other housemates have realised! He's just not allowed to be himself, and hte only reason he's not telling her straight, is because he's so desperate to cling onto her, the only person he feels understand him. bless. lea knows using emotional blackmail will hurt him and i really hate that. At least with lisa he was able to be himself, be completely wild! i know she got very possesive and annoying towards the end, but what i admired, was that after she realised he was no longer interested, she let him go. she obviously still likes him (ignore what she said to davina) but she wants him to be happy. i have a feeling that she too is hating lea Right now. i agree... LEAVE MY BABY ALONE!!!!! PLEASE! SHE should be the one voted out ot go and live in the new house, cos that's where she belongs. don't move pete or nikki cos they're happy where they are: especially pete. or, maybe we should move pete - so he can start again!!!!! he won't be voted out tho. whatever happens, get lea away from him!!!!!