the show will be repeated on E4 later today, calm down! Jonathan had a "propper eviction" with Davina showing his best bits???? in 5 days???? Aisleyne cried for most of the time even when she went into the big house. The best bit was seeing Nicki and Lea,s face when Aisleyne appeared on the screen, they were sure it was going to be them that she voted out, they were bricking it!
there you are up to date then
It was pretty vile television IMHO. Aisleyne had to choose two people to 'evict' - Michael and Jenny (sort-of) said they were happy to take the chance and were sent into the main house. Much squealing ensued. Nikki went a bit weird/unhinged/selfish in the diary room by refusing to relinquish her bed (one of 3 - gosh I hope she's up next week) and wibbling on in her usual manner. Then Aisleyne was asked to nominate one person for eviction - it was made clear that this was a real eviction. She became VERY upset - big choking sobs and refused to do it. There was lots of glib comments from Davina at this point and gurning at the camera. Not funny. Eventually she chose Jonathan and spent the next 20 or so minutes sobbing. Her and Spoiral were then put back into the main house. She ran straight to the loo and a few people gave her a hug. Jayne meanwhile b*****d to anyone who would listen to her. Horrible. Oh and J did get a proper eviction and seemed like a v.nice bloke.