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pleasehelpme | 22:36 Fri 21st Jul 2006 | TV
5 Answers
i read that she has 8 A-levels. is this true, has anyone ever got that many A-levels?


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Gosh thats a helluva lot of a-levels pleasehelpme. I wonder if it was a misprint and should have said GCSE's ?
Doll xx
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that's wot i thought. i saw it on 2websites tho--admittedly the internet isn't always the best place for information because u don't know about the author, but still. no doubt she's intelligent but 8...
My mum got 8 a-levels 6 A's and 2 B's
I read she had 5 A Levels and something like 11 GCSEs
in a magazine article today her mum said she got 11 gcse's and 6 a'levels

we had the opportunity to do 8 a'levels at school, so it is possible

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