That Pete will be well sick of Nikki before Friday?
I find it rather a worry that a woman of 24 still has baby tantrums when she doesn't get her own way .... surely no man can put up with that for too long???
her drawn out voice..... looooook at my babiieeeeeeee, looooook at peeeetttttt, my babieeeeeeeeeee
what is that girl on?
She has obviously done plenty of research into her own character from BB tapes, before going back into the house and picked up on what was originally funny as the old nikki in the house first time round... but come on, she is acting this voice and really aware of what she is doing.
I was so annoyed that she got her own way yesterday with the musical just because she had a tantrum. And all soppy pete was doing was looking at her with these puppy dog eyes and cuddling her and shh in her ear ! Cant stand Nikki, Pete, and Richard - want them 3 out first !!!
I agree Neenee - Last night on C4 she was screeching in the bedroom, throwing her body forward in exactly the same way as she did when they had to salute Suzy. It seemed to me she'd seen that people found that funny so she was doing it again.
I think Pete won't get sick if her until they're in the outside world and her tantrums are directed at him. At the moment he is there to calm her down, but its inevitable that once they start living their 'normal' lives she'll be having strops over things he's done or not done. Don't think he'll find it as endearing then!
I don't think now he will get fed up of her on the telly, although I think he is feeling it a bit now, she must be totally draining everyone in there. I can't think why everyone is holding back and Richard is really doing my head in by pampering to the gremlin, just watching him give in to her and brown nose his way around her is just too much, Richard you have to go. My order is: out first Nikki, Glimp, Richard, Pete, Jenny (deserves to come second) ASH TO WIN.
I think she may have had a blip in her childhood. No respectable grown woman would behave like that without a troubled past. Sorry to get all psychological on you all but theres no other explanation.