Why does no one seem to realise that Jamie from Avenue was actually in One True Voice, the band from Pop Stars: The Rivals. Louis worked on that so he must have known. Am glad they were disqualified for cheating!
I couldn't understand why Louis faffed about and said "this has been one of the hardest decions, blah, blah" - RUBBISH! They cheated and lied and deserved to be disqualified - what is hard about that?!
I also don't understand why Louis wasn't up-front with Eton Road (?) when he told thenm they were back in the competition. After all, they would ahve read about it in the papers, so why was Louis so WET?!!
Quite sadly I remember OTV, and definitely didn't recognise any of Avenue from being in it! Jamie Shaw has been recording as a solo artist for the last couple of years.
jamie was on pop idol in 2003 and made it in the top 50, hes a good singer but a total d**k.
i use to go out with him when he got kicked off show and he totally loved himself and was a serial cheat!!