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Lydia vrs Stacey

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Joe_the_Lion | 20:49 Tue 13th Feb 2007 | TV
148 Answers
A high flying city banker, well spoken and quite classy


A market worker with cockney pedigree and a bit of a sl4pper.

Ironically I would choose Stacey.


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caz1975, yes, I did. And those subsequent, which just went further and further down the steep hill of gratuitous insult.

A full size cooker needs a proper cooker point, that means it is wired back to the fuses on its own, a built in single oven can plug into a socket, does that help you ? but obviously the built in oven would need a housing to go in as well.
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What is a proper cooker point as such? Is it law under building regs?
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They are normally a cooker unit with a switch for the cooker and a socket on the side like the one in the link. d=A441569&ts=10477&id=23484
Oh forget it caz. One day you'll maybe see.There are ways to say things kindly and ways to say those same things cruelly.

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and those plugs can just be wired in to the original socket (obviously a sparky not me!!!!) or will it need extra wiring etc to the fuse box.

Ray you are a star, by the way.
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If you haven't got one of those it will need to be put in by an electrician, and it will have to be wired back to the fuses.

Have you one of those cooker units anywhere in the kitchen ? if you have he could connect it to that instead.
It's good stuff isn't it, the point and counterpoint, the wholesome Uncle-Nephew diy stuff against the now-thrown-into-darkness mutterings about what this thread is really all concerning.....

lol (just for you Wardy)
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No, the kitchen is modern but the stove an original. There is a switch that looks like that at the back of the wall for the down stairs shower with is near enough in line. And I have a big blue switch for the hot tub in the kitchen (something to do with water and Earth?????
Whiffey......I think Mr Minter is having a chat with Ray !!!
whiffey I never saw the argument yesterday between John and wardy, so on that I cannot comment, but I asked you earlier if it was ok for battersby to call ummmm "Scum" that was also wrong, but she won't apologise to ummmm will she.
Well I am going to leave them to rebuild a kitchen overnight. Big hugs and kisses and loads of lols to everybody.

If the switch is for an electric shower, you will need to have a new point wired for cooker. or if it is the same as the one in the link, have it checked by a sparky,
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Will do Uncle. Your cheque in is the post. ta.
I am off to bed now, take care all, if you want more info Joe, I will be about tomorrow for a little while in the evening, sleep well all.
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Sleep well.

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