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Did you see Pride of Britain

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Doc Spock | 00:19 Thu 11th Oct 2007 | TV
53 Answers
Very touching , some great people. But why was the audience full of old hasbeens.

Who else thinks Richard Hammond is a nauseating inconsequential idiot.

His hair annoys me, his voice annoys his crap column in the Daily Mirror annoys me.


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If you let me have yr email ill send it you next week lol
erm...can't exactly do it on here tho can I ? I'd have legend sending me porn x
thanks rev, looking forward to it :)

cheries, Ive tried the lot, as big sis you'd think I could easily blackmail her wouldnt you.
cheries, you could email 4get and she could pass it on perhaps.
Right red, I'm gutted!! You need to up the ante mate!!!
sorry redcrx do I know cherries? why would she e-mail me?
Keep up 4get lol
psychick,I also have got his book,think he and top gear are great!

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Why has the ED changed little to55er to idiot?
The reason the audience is full of old has beens is that they want publicity for something or other.
All award shows are pants,and make me cringe,so I don't watch them any more.
Any way the way television is at the moment all the stories were probably made up.

Richard Hammond is a harmless hamster,leave him alone.
Top Gear rules!
agree with you mighty. very funny guys and always entertaining. RH is cool!
I watched The Pride of Britain & have to admit to shedding a few tears. The bravery of some of those children & adults left me feeling humble.

The fact that there might have been some hasbeens in the audience didn't bother me - I expect they paid a lot for their tickets & contributed money to charities & other good causes.

We watch Top Gear too & not much wrong with Richard Hamilton - okay, he maybe a bit of an attenton seeker - but some of similar ilk don't like that!

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Did you see Pride of Britain

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