go to www.uknova.com this site lets u download lots of tv stuff free--nothing that is available commercially--eg film--tv dvds etc--is allowed on the site--major problem is the limit uknova puts on the number of registrations--often you have to wait for some member to drop out or have their account closed for some reason b4 u can get registered--this can be a long wait so u need to go regularly and try an sign up--there is a site
http://geekstuff.paulbain.co.uk/uknova-signup- now/ which lets u sign up using a user name and password--this site has nothing to do with uknova--what it does is continually submit automatically ur user name and password to uknova and when an opening occurs u get registered--the geekstuff then emails u to say u can now sign in--u also need a torrent download program--i reccommend u google, download and install azureus--when u have that and are registered with uknova u can get tons of stuff--even old archived progs