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Out of this World-1987-The series revolves around Evie Garland, who is the daughter of Troy and Donna Garland. Troy, however, is an alien from the planet Anterias. As a benefit of her half-alien parentage, Evie develops three powers as the series progresses. She can pause and un-pause time, "gleep" objects into existence, and can transport herself from one place to another. Troy is living on Anterias and is never seen, but Evie talks to him via a crystal cube. Evie is thirteen at the beginning of the series and lives with her mother in Marlowe, California. Visitors to the Garland home include Donna's brother Beano; the mayor Kyle Applegate, a former actor; Lindsey, Evie's best friend; Chris, Evie's boyfriend; and Buzz, who tends to take things literally. Episodes usually revolve around Evie getting herself out of a situation that she has caused.