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Dream Homes

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carolegif | 20:32 Thu 21st Feb 2008 | TV
4 Answers
What is the point of this programme about which type of house is the best. The two presenters choose houses in three price ranges and then decide which is the most typical of the style chosen for that episode. It seems a waste of time.
I wonder of the public were originally supposed to phone in and choose a property, but it became a victim of the phone-in scandal and as they had filmed on location they had to find some other way.

It doesn't work!



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>What is the point of this programme

Its called cheap television and most channels are full of these reality type programs.

No scriptwriters to pay, no actors to pay, just go to semi interesting places and talk to members of the public.

Cheap cheap cheap.
Totally agree, complete and utter waste of time, who really cares what the two of them think. They seem to have this infantile banter going on as if everyone is bothered as to who wins, saw it once, never again.
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I absolutely agree. But what really makes me angry is I'm paying and extortionate license fee for this utter rubbish as well as a lot of the other BBC rubbish!!!!

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Dream Homes

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