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Dr Who

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SKA | 21:28 Sat 05th Jul 2008 | TV
12 Answers
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Cop out - no-one died other than dr-donna who wasn't a proper person anyhoo - I kept saying to my son 'it'll be martha', 'Oh look, it Captain Jack', 'I reckon Donna's going to pop her clogs' - and nothing!
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lol that thing in the dalek wheelchair thing died!! and he was the loyal one.
Anyway I would have like Martha to pop off but nooo she lives!! But I did genuinely keep expecting Donna to die, I'm glad she didn't I love her character!!
'skinny alien men' (or whatever she called them both)
I loved it but would like answer to music question, is the right area to ask, i am brand new here, loved the music where the earth was being towed, does anyone know what it is called and by who. many thanks.
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Murry Gold does the music for Dr Who, they'll prob have a CD of it out soon!! (hopefully)
Total let down for me. I think they made it up as they went along, like they do in Lost.
On a thread the other day, they were asking what you looked like. I said that I looked like Commander Caan from Dr. Who, but nobody got it! (The dalek in the wheelchair that went mad) I think he was great and should get his own show!
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I loved the 1st series of Lost before it went down the pan!!

The mad dalek made me laugh the way it wiggled it legs about!!
The red one looked like an amateur - RED!!! WTF
Sir Alec, Caan is known as Dalek Caan (not Commander), and he is sitting in his opened Dalek casing.

The Kaled in the (Dalek base-style) wheelchair is Dalek creator Davros.
I liked the fact that Rose got her own mortal/human version of the Doctor, that she can grow old with and snog his face off! Now if only we could all get one...
As an old hand at this, who remembers Dr Who the first time around when it truly was amateur night, I thought the finale on Saturday was awesome! I absolutely loved it. I didn't want to see anybody die - it is supposed to be a vaguely children's programme after all, since it comes on long before the 9 oclock watershed - and the only thing I'm disappointed about is that Donna won't be in the next series ... cos I thought she was brilliant!

Lord knows how they'll top it for excitement, however, I mean the end of the universe, what's more jaw-dropping than the idea of that for Heaven's sake!
Davros called him Commander Caan before he even appeared. After that he was referred to as Dalek Caan. i don't understand why the doctor would offer to save Davros, not Caan, who saved everybody. The "Scarfies" are in uproar. By the way, I'm not a Scarfy. Apparently Russell T Davies has had to go into hiding, as fans are so angry at this episode. I must admit, the plot did fall down in a few places, but there are more important things to think about.
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Sir Alec - What "Scarfies" are you on about? This tread is about the Dr Who series final, I'll thank you not to post your utter crap on my tread

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