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The Bill

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anotheoldgit | 18:33 Fri 01st Aug 2008 | TV
3 Answers
I have asked this before, but did not get any convincing answers, and it's driving me crazy.

One of the Male Sergeants in the Bill, never wears a tie. Last night he once again wore an open necked shirt with a Tee-Shirt underneath.

Since all other members of the cast wear either a tie (Male Officers) or Cravat (Female Officers), why does he continue to wear an open-necked shirt?


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Paraphrased from the Met dress code guidelines:

Ties/cravats must be worn with long sleeved shirts but when in "shirt sleeve order" they can be dispensed with unless when also wearing any item of outer clothing such as a pullover, tunic or anorak (the 'Metvest' is not classed as a garment) or a line manager directs a tie/cravat to be worn.

Staff may wear shirt sleeve order when working in a building. Elsewhere, a consistent approach should be encouraged. Line managers may stipulate whether
shirt sleeve order is to be worn by groups or individuals provided it is reasonable and practicable. Any clothing worn under the shirt must be of a colour to be
inconspicuous under uniform shirts.

When short sleeved shirts are worn open at the neck:
� Only the top button can be unfastened;
� Underclothing must not be visible at the neck;
� A tie or cravat must be worn if wearing an outer garment. During warm weather local management may exercise discretion on the wearing of a tie or cravat when there is a requirement to wear, over a shirt, a high visbility jacket. ommunity-policing/dress_code.pdf?view=Binary
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Thanks very much for your indepth dress code guidlines.

Staff may wear shirt sleeve order when working in a building. Elsewhere, a consistent approach should be encouraged.

Not true to life then, since this officer has been filmed, out of the station and the only one with an open necked shirt.

When short sleeved shirts are worn open at the neck:
� Only the top button can be unfastened;
� Underclothing must not be visible at the neck;

Showing a Tee-shirt, is also taboo then.

But it still doesn't answer the question why the ' 'Bill's' Wardrobe department, allows this one actor to be incorrectly dressed for his part.
"Should be encouraged" is not quite the same as "must at all times" and it is possible to see Met officers wearing a mixture of long and short sleeve shirts - it is entirely at the discretion of their line managers.

I do agree that the visible Tee-shirt is a transgression of the dress code but I suspect it is a calculated attempt at emphasising the supposed "coolness" of the heartthrob character Sgt Callum Stone.

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