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Mock the Week

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gelda | 21:44 Sat 16th Aug 2008 | TV
6 Answers
Still don't find it funny! Who is the bad bloke, unfunniest one of the lot. The Scot is probably the funniest one,


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The two are can't stand are the gryff rees jones soundalike and the young one (cocky little turd).

Actually, thinking about it, I can't stand the presenter either - all that is probably why I don't watch it now.
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I meant bald bloke not bad bloke, yes he's the one who sounds like Gryff Reesjones, are you sure it isn't him.
get a sense of humor, i think its great.
It's ok. I reckon it's scripted rather than "off the cuff" humour though.
The bald guy is called Andy Parsons and I think that it is hilarious. Never miss it!
I have my favourites such as frankie boyle sooooooooo near to the knuckle!its obviously scripted,but still hilarious,one of the best comedy shows!!!!

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