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lidlicker | 23:12 Sat 13th Dec 2008 | TV
41 Answers
At last ! The right three in the final and in the right order too !! Alexandra was superb ! JLS a great group


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I totally agree with the original question. I can't understand all this animosity towards Alex. I thought she was by far the best performer on the night (her duet with Beyonce was out of this world) and as much as I liked JLS (and yes, I DID like them) I thought the more talented act won on the night.
These sort of shows are never going to please everybody (as I can testify, cos I still have trouble getting my head around the fact that Rhydian didn't win last year!) and I think we all just have to bite the bullet and congratulate the winner whether we like it or not.

Just my opinion, don't shoot me for it...... ;o)
Just a point of order - the ORIGINAL version of Hallelujah was by Leonard Cohen. Jeff Buckley's version is, IMO, that rarest of creatures - a cover version that is actually better than the original.
should have been laura she had it stolen from her early on what more can you say?
and the winner is................... STEVE BROOKSTEIN ha ha what ever happened to him?
Jeff Buckley's version is, IMO, that rarest of creatures - a cover version that is actually better than the original.

I'm with you there littleoldme:
I agree with mushroom25 - her version of Hallelujah is awful. The song is very powerful and doesn't need to be oversung, that's why both the original and the Jeff Buckley cover are so good - full of restraint. I much preferred the JLS version. Having said that, Alexandra is a phenomenal singer and performer, and deserved to win. And god knows what Laura (aka strangled cat) would have done with that song.
Yes, JLS's version was much,much better. They didn't 'stray' too much or overdo it.

I hope JLS do really well - in fact I am sure they will do.
Should be doing other things but have just been listening to the different versions on youtube. Love all of them really for different reasons, Cohen's sort of understated original, Jeff Buckley's very moving version and there's one there from KD Lang which is very impressive. Did like JLS' s version better than Alex's but I'm sure she'll have a massive hit with it.
KD Lang is wonderful - now there is a female with a voice, no warbling!!!!
Rufus Wainright's the best!
Lottie - absolutely agree with you about kd lang.

I hate this trend for off-note warbling too (melisma, I believe it's called). The sad thing is that the Alexandras and Leonas of this world have voices good enough that they don't need to resort to it, but I suppose it's the fashion.
Melisma - sounds like a disease Littleoldme! ;o)
Well I do hope yet again X factor determine our christmas number 1..which is why I'm buying Rick Astley this week.
your right lol not my strongest subject even with a calculator i forgot to it was 280.000000 pence equal 28 million
Was I the only one amazed to hear that of the 10 shows in which the public voted Alexandra won 2 (including the final) JLS won 1 Diana won 1 and wee Eggnog won 6!!
I thought Simon said they wanted something different this year, but it appears we have another Leona, so much for different!!!!
They would have got different had they put Daniel through!!
I watched the final as was bored to tears.

Alexandra is another Leona - good voice but as interesting as a plank of wood.

Cowell has hinted that 2009 could be the last show because of his exhausting schedule, but in reality he can see there isn't much shelf life left in it.

The facts are:

4 previous winners before saturday and only 1 has been successful.
Its only a karaoke contest, isn't it?
diana sang hallelujah in boot camp better thn alex has for her single! it was just too predictable this year. Probably wont be watching ever again

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