The one where he chucked the newspapers in the audience and the girl on stage had to pick a page number and a word of that page and then at the end of the show Derren shows her the page and the word she chose that he had done prior to the show.
Well, I have seen it before, it says how he does the tricks. During the programme he is saying things to influence what people will say when he asks them questions.
That business about sublime messages is all hokum - he does do it but that doesn't make the trick work. You could never guarantee the right answer. He is a conjuror - and a brilliant one - but just like all the other magicians.
He really is very good though - I have absolutely no idea how he does his tricks but I'm quite content to believe in magic! I like a few mysteries being left in the world!
I kinda thought that it was still a bit weird how you could guarantee that everyone would say the same thing even if you had been influencing them throughout so perhaps you're right.