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roslyn251254 | 12:35 Mon 25th May 2009 | TV
3 Answers
Please help - I recorded the last episode not realising it was 1 hour instead of usual 40 mins, so I've missed the last bit - probably the last 15 mins. Can anyone fill me in on how it finished.


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I'm not sure if this was all the last 15 mins, but we were lead to think that Ellen shot Patty, but she didn't. The guy who was doing drugs with the prostitute stabbed Patty in the lift, after she'd tried to use him in the case. She still met Ellen in the hotel room and then collapsed on the way out. Wes finds Patty, in time and gets her to hospital but thinks that Ellen did it.

Even though Tom has been fired by Patty again! He hasn't really and gets his sister (who's something in law enforcement - can't remember what) to help Patty double-cross Ellen and the FBI and Dave Pell!

There was probably more, but I hope this helps.

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Thanks very much for that catch up Anne.
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Sorry AngelMell not Anne!!!

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